Product Ideas

Make Git Rebase Idiot-Proof"Sometimes I fuck up my git rebase so bad I delete the repository and clone a new version" – Emma Bostian, Twitter. I'm getting a lot better at this myself (git rebase --abort has helped prevent me from needing to do the above myself a lot now)…

Week 3

Week 2 reviewI got to Monday and then I started feeling really exhausted, so I was simply trying to survive and prioritise activities that might leave me feeling more refreshed. The result was that I left off working on this for the rest of the week. Week 3 startOn Sunday…

'Designing' a logo.

I need to update the Ghost logo at the top of this site with something of my own. It felt like a big thing holding me back when I was drawing up my list of 'must haves' for before I start showing this new blog round to anyone. So ..... I…

Week 2

Taking stock. Today and last night I have: Deleted the test mysql database and configured the production database for this blog.Fixed an issue with this blog not accepting my password.I don't know what happened, but I learned how to log into Mysql and change the database password and…

Week 2 Planning

Main goals for Week 2: Launch a blog that is all set up to collect email signups! It will need to have: An appropriate domain nameAn RSS feedPrivacy respecting analytics.Somewhere that people can sign up for a newsletter (99% sure I will use ghost's membership feature)A way for…

Week 1 Review

Reflecting on week one I still have some time left today, but I'm starting the next week on Sunday. So let's review. What were my goals for this week? Blog about useful tips I know already to increase my productivity.I worked on my front end testing guide and got…

Week 1 - Initial Blog setup

I'm trying to work out if I need to set up a new blog for Freesia. This blog also needs some proper branding and url too. What I've been struggling with is whether to keep this one together with all the technical productivity content I'm planning to create, or split…

Week 1 - Start

Brainstorm We have our goal. Make $3.5k this year. But how do I get there? How did I achieve 'successful' things in the past? How did I deal with and get things done with lots of uncertainty? Let's just brainstorm and chuck out some possible middle steps. Sell cupcakes.…