'Designing' a logo.

I need to update the Ghost logo at the top of this site with something of my own.

It felt like a big thing holding me back when I was drawing up my list of 'must haves' for before I start showing this new blog round to anyone.

So ..... I need a logo ... for my site ..... which doesn't even have a proper name yet .....

Erm ...

How do I even design it?


How about something to do with squares? Different coloured squares are kind of my default go-to for creating programmer graphics when my brain is freezing.

When I first learnt to program, I made a snake game where all the graphics was simply different coloured squares.

So, in honour of my ability to improvise my way along in tech by using different coloured squares, let's make a simple logo using squares.

It shall have blue squares, white squares ... a pink square .......... and maybe some purple squares.

I have spoken.

Square logo with two purple squares, one white squares and one coral square on a blue background
Attempt #1

Yuck! Don't like the purple!

Square logo with three white squares and one coral square on a blue background
Attempt #2

Better. But when it's shrunk really small the pink/red square looks quite weird. Maybe I could try making it a circle?

Square logo with three white squares and one coral circle on a blue background
Attempt #3

Better. Ok, this shall do for now.

It is the way.

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