Week 2 Planning

Main goals for Week 2:

Launch a blog that is all set up to collect email signups!

It will need to have:

  • An appropriate domain name
  • An RSS feed
  • Privacy respecting analytics.
  • Somewhere that people can sign up for a newsletter (99% sure I will use ghost's membership feature)
  • A way for me to send newsletters (Create a Mailgun account)
  • A way for people to reply to me and for me to reply to those replies.

It doesn't yet need a way to send automated welcome emails on signup or to create campaigns, but that should be possible to start setting up over next two weeks.

No tracking pixels in the emails, and they should just be plaintext, not html. I don't think it should be too hard to find but you never know!

Other things I need to do:

  • Continue working on getting my Art blog set up!
  • Clean up all the draft posts for the product diary from week one and publish them.

2020-02-29 4:58 pm

Ok, that's a fair amount of work for next week so I'm not sure what else might get done.

But let's look back at the plan I made for week 2 and see if there's anything I want to pull in:

  • Narrow focus and begin refining product concept.
  • Identify similar tools, analyse what doesn't work about them.
  • Continue blogging useful small productivity tips I've learnt.
  • Continue analysing the data I've been collecting about what I've been spending my time on at work.
  • Try writing small scripts or just using spreadsheets to help with tracking and getting stuff done easier.


I still feel lost.

I've gotten partway through setting up a nice proper blog, and I have barely showed anyone all the writing I've been doing here. It might take a while getting the analytics and email stuff set up.

I feel very lost when it comes down to narrowing focus for my product design research. I need to start showing some people what I'm doing soon so I don't lose momentum.  Being able to get others to weigh in could also help me a lot when choosing things to research product ideas for.

2020-02-29 5:06 pm

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